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Application Services

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what is Application Services?

Application Services” is a broad term that generally refers to a range of services and tools used in the development, deployment, management, and maintenance of software applications. These services are often provided by cloud computing providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, but they can also be offered by other software vendors or as part of an organization’s in-house infrastructure. Application Services encompass a wide variety of functions, and some common examples include:
  1. Web Hosting: Application services can include web hosting platforms that allow you to deploy web applications and websites without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
  2. Database Services: Managed database services (e.g., Amazon RDS, Azure SQL Database) offer scalable and fully managed database solutions, eliminating the need to handle database administration tasks.
  3. Serverless Computing: Services like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions allow developers to run code in response to events without managing servers.
  4. Content Delivery: Content delivery networks (CDNs) like AWS CloudFront and Akamai help deliver web content to users with low latency and high availability.
  5. Authentication and Authorization: Services like AWS Cognito and Okta provide authentication and authorization capabilities to secure your applications.
  6. Messaging and Notification Services: Tools like Amazon SNS and Firebase Cloud Messaging enable sending messages and notifications to users.
  7. Application Performance Monitoring: Services like New Relic and Datadog help monitor the performance of applications, identify issues, and optimize them.
  8. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes and services like Amazon ECS and Azure Kubernetes Service help manage containerized applications.
  9. API Management: Services like Apigee and AWS API Gateway enable the creation, publishing, and management of APIs.
  10. Serverless Application Development: Tools like AWS Amplify and Azure Functions offer frameworks and resources to build serverless applications.
  11. Analytics and Data Processing: Services like Amazon Kinesis and Google Dataflow help collect and process data for analytics.
  12. Application Deployment and CI/CD: Services like Jenkins, Travis CI, and AWS CodePipeline assist in automating the deployment of applications through continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
  13. IoT (Internet of Things) Services: For applications involving IoT, platforms like AWS IoT and Azure IoT Hub offer capabilities for device management and data processing.
  14. Blockchain Services: For blockchain-based applications, services like Azure Blockchain Service provide tools for creating and managing blockchain networks.

The specific services available will vary depending on the cloud provider and the technologies an organization uses. Application Services are designed to help developers and businesses focus on building and delivering software applications while abstracting many of the underlying infrastructure and operational concerns.

What are App Modernization Services?

Traditional applications were built as monolithic blocks of software. These monolithic applications have long life cycles because any changes or updates to one function, usually requires reconfiguring the entire application. This costly and time consuming process delays advancements and updates in application development.

Application Modernization Services enable the migration of monolithic, legacy application architectures to new application architectures that more closely match the business needs of modern enterprises’ application portfolio. Application modernization is often part of an organization’s digital transformation.

An example of this is the use of a microservices architecture where all app services are created individually and deployed separately from one another. This allows for scaling services based on specific business needs. Services can also be rapidly changed without affecting other parts of the application. Application-centric enterprises are choosing microservices architectures to take advantage of flexible container-based infrastructure models.


Why Are Application Services Important?

As digital transformation reshapes the modern enterprise, applications are becoming an increasingly important source of differentiation. In today’s ever more competitive economy, organizations often need to manage hundreds and even thousands of applications with unprecedented speed, scale, and agility.

As innovation continues to increase, so, too, have concerns about security and delivering a consistent experience across environments. Application services help organizations boost performance, maintain availability, improve network and application security, and gain visibility into the behavior and health of their apps. By incorporating F5 application services into their systems today, enterprises can obtain the foundation they need to improve efficiency, increase their adaptability, and achieve a long-term competitive advantage.


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