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Banking and Financial Services

HomeBanking and Financial Services

Bank on Us for your Banking Needs

Combining Banking and financial services with technology have proven a profitable step in comparison to the traditional methods. BFSI i.e. Banking, Financial services and Insurance is always the talk of the market in one way or the another. Almost every person is associated with the industry to meet their needs. Making use of financial software development services has not only helped the organizations but also the end customers in more than one way.

Finance is the most important yet tough part of life. It requires regular handling along proper managing. The need for proper financial management arises the need of better banking and finance software solutions which can take the burden from the shoulders of end customers. Consumers are out and looking for customized solutions to address all of their BFSI needs.


Financial Software made Simple

True Data is a Finance and Banking Software Application Development Company with a dedicated research and development team who are proficient in building applications for the BFSI sector. Our team of professionals are well acquainted with the requirements of the BFSI sector. Adding their technical proficiency with the understanding of the sector helps them to offer the best Banking and Financial Software Development services.


This BFSI software development helps in

  • Increasing profitability of the organizations
  • Better revenues
  • Cost management
  • Better management
  • Always updated
  • Easy analysing and reporting systems
  • Lack of fraud and discrepancies
  • Software for sales team and finance agents

Our Offerings- The most efficient Banking and Finance Software Solutions

True Data provides cutting-edge and innovative mobility solutions to enterprises along with custom-built mobile applications for leading financial institutions. We offer Banking and finance software services for most of the domains in order to add compliance and efficiency in the organizations.


  • Backend Software solutions
  • Transactions and financial management
  • Software solution for Small as well as large scale businesses
  • Managing the organization as whole
  • Handle, manage and protect assets
  • Configuration and automation solutions
  • Keep a track through barcode systems
  • Secured Transactions
  • Better wallet and payment gateway process
  • Reduces online theft and fraudulent activities


  • Lesser chances of hacking
  • Customer engagement
  • Personalised experience
  • Personal financial management
  • Hassle free working
  • Data analysing and management
  • Automation in operations and work flows
  • Proper reporting planning system
  • Reducing loss of data

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